Title: Korn Ferry - Trends in Investor Relations Compensation
Date: February 19, 2025
Time: 9am PT webinar
Description: In partnership with NIRI Virtual Chapter, the NIRI San Francisco chapter is co-hosting this upcoming informative event. We will feature a fireside chat featuring two of Korn Ferry’s Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations experts. Richard Marshall and Peter McDermott will share their insights from the collaborative work done with NIRI to examine both how the Investor Relations role is evolving and what the latest trends are in terms of compensation. We’ll explore some of the Key Takeaways from their work as well as some of the most important results from the survey work. The session will be a mix of presentations, conversation, and Q&A with audience participation highly encouraged.
Speakers: Richard Marshall
Global Managing Director, Corporate Affairs & Investor Relations Practice
Korn Ferry

Peter W. McDermott
Senior Client Partner, Global Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations
Korn Ferry
Cost: Free for NIRI SF and NorthernCal members as part of the Partner Program!
Registration: Register at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/8pm9t2e