Title: | Planning an Investor Day |
Date: | April 7, 2022 |
Time: | 12:00 PM PT |
Location: | Virtual (Register here) |
Information: |
WHAT: Virtual webinar discussing key topics related to hosting an investor day Having an investor day is always a big decision. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your company, strategy, and management team. Planning an event requires a lot of strategy and coordination across a large team to ensure you have the right messages, content, and format. Hosting an event is even more complex in today’s environment given rapidly changing pandemic and macro conditions. There are different format choices today: live, virtual, or hybrid. Learn about other investor relations professionals’ experiences hosting investor days and get insight from a sell-side analyst about what makes a great investor day. Panelists will include:
Apr 7, 2022 12:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada) |
Virtual (Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pAwakkG_QPKiSKv1TPtaqg) |