Title: Mastering the Media for IR Officers
What IROs Need to Know to Prepare Executives for Success in the Media Spotlight
Date: November 18th
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm PT
Location: Virtual Event
Registration Link – RSVP by November 16, 2020
Price: Free
Description: As part of our ongoing partnerships across the NIRI National chapters, NIRI LA is extending an invitation to our chapter for their November 18th event focused on working with the media.

Every opportunity to broadcast your message – through media interviews, public speaking engagements and social media visibility – has the potential to bring great reward for you, your leaders and your company. But without the right kind of preparation, these opportunities also carry great risk.  Your management team looks to you to provide valuable guidance.

Join us as Media Coach Sally Sherry teaches actionable skills and advice you can share with your C-suite that will help you engage the media with the conviction, confidence and credibility to accomplish your strategic goals. In short, you'll learn how the media works and how to make it work for you.

In this session Sally will focus on:
  • Building strong relationships with trusted journalists
  • Preparing your executives for successful interviews including tactics to control your message, interview DOs and DON’Ts, and secrets of powerful presenters
  • Q&A Techniques including bridging tactics to repeat and reinforce key messages, and alternatives to defensive or evasive answers
  • Social media strategies for IROs

Sally Sherry

For more than two decades, media and presentation trainer, Sally Sherry, has coached top executives at companies including Mattel, P&G, Sony, Princess Cruises, Yahoo!, Morgan Stanley, Cadbury, Ralph Lauren, Avery Dennison and Harry Winston Diamond Corporation. Sally combines a decade of on-camera experience as a broadcast journalist for ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates, an MBA and MS in Journalism from Columbia University, and experience as a VP of a New York financial communications agency to share with her clients a real-world perspective and exceptional practical insights.

